Archive for the ‘Dossier Doentes Evacuados’ Category
Estudo sobre a evacuação de doentes dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa para Portugal (Florência de Oliveira Reis, 2012)
This dissertation aims at scrutinizing the problems related to the evacuation of the vulnerably sick people from the African Countries of Portuguese Official Language (PALOP), in accordance with the agreement of cooperation on health matters. It analyses the practical utility of the existing legislation in this field, and to which point this legislation is actually effective. The study found that the Portuguese National Health Service (SNS) is incapable of providing the required universal services as well as the need of the evacuated persons. As a consequence, it also identified that the SNS uses criteria and priorities in order to proceed to the most urgent sick persons to evacuate in due time. The vulnerabilities of the Portuguese National Health Service and the almost inexistent articulation between the health professionals from both Portugal and the African Countries of Portuguese Official Language contributes for the prolonged aggravation of the social and psychological situation of the sick people evacuated. In this respect, this work underlines main problems that the evacuated sick persons from African Countries of Portuguese Official Language, and in particular precarious housing, extreme economic difficulties, social and linguistic integration problems that end up interfering with the prognostic of their therapeutic recovery.
Emanuel Barbosa is een vertegenwoordiger van de MPD, een politieke partij in Kaapverdië. Sinds 2012 zijn van hem meerdere artikels verschenen over de schrijnende situatie van de z.g. doentes evacuados, de geëvacueerde Kaapverdische patiënten in Portugal. In september 2014 is hij een campagne begonnen via de sociale media (Facebook) om het ontslag te eisen van verantwoordelijke bestuurders/politici.
De Dany Foundation wenst politiek neutraal te blijven maar ondersteunt elk initiatief om de situatie in Lissabon structureel te verbeteren.
Doentes evacuados: de barriga vazia lutam pela saúde (2012, A Semana)
Situação dos doentes evacuados continua a degradar-se (2014, Jornal de São Nicolau)
Doentes em -pocilgas– MpD-PT exige demissão da Ministra da Saúde e Embaixadora (2014. A Semana)
Doentes evacuados – tratamento justo e igual, exige-se (2014, Jornal de São Nicolau)
Governo permite que emigrantes sejam humilhados (2014, Jornal de São Nicolau)